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Battleline Podcast

The switch is on! Battleline Podcast is your source for in-depth interviews and inspiration with the biggest names in the military and 2A communities. Hosted by Kris "Tanto" Paronto & Ian Scotto.


Select-International Founder and CEO Eric Parker was featured twice on the show.

Episode 159

On September 16, 2007, seventeen Iraqi civilians were killed in an incident involving contractors working for Blackwater. Years later, in 2020, the men involved in Nisour Square were pardoned by President Trump. Eric Parker was with the Tactical Support Team when this took place and gives us the inside story of what really went down. Eric's background includes being a Army special operations veteran with a deployment to Mogadishu, Somalia, contracting with Blackwater in Afghanistan, and then working in Diplomatic Security Service.

Episode 160

Eric Parker is back again this episode, and we continue our conversation from last week. We begin with the pardoning of the men at Nisour Square by President Trump, and get into other exciting stories from Eric's background including working under Hillary Clinton. Eric's background includes being a Army special operations veteran with a deployment to Mogadishu, Somalia, contracting with Blackwater in Afghanistan, and then working in Diplomatic Security Service.


On this week's Battleline Quick Bite Kris Tanto Paronto Chats with the former Blackwater contractor Eric Parker about how the 2007 Nisour Square incident was sparked. 

When former Blackwater contractor Eric Parker was on a flight last May and heard about an unruly passenger exposing himself on the plane, he knew he had to jump in and take that creep down!

On December 22, 2020, Donald Trump gave a full Presidential pardon to Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard, the four men jailed over the Nisour Square incident in Iraq. This is the story of that pardon.

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